provides the computer services to get your music distributed
to the World Wide Web on your own music WebSite. We also setup MySpace music websites
as well as set up music download sales via i-Tunes and
- Encode your songs from CD or cassette to MP3 format
(MPEG Layer 3) suitable for uploading to your music website.
- Scan and Format your artist photos and
artwork to be included on your web page and on your
- Set Up your music WebSite.
- Upload music, pictures, and band description to your music WebSite.
- Create your CD files, including all multimedia
components (lyrics, photo) and all graphics for CD
cover, inside booklet, inside tray, outside tray, and
back cover.
Your music will be distributed to the world—anyone with a
computer connected to the Internet can listen to your music
and buy your CD's.
- Once set up by, your WebSite is free! currently charges you NOTHING to host your music WebSite.
- Listeners all over the world will be able to judge your music, not
just the record companies.
For your convenience, we accept credit card or check payments through PayPal. Just click
below to sign up for this free secure service.